The Man Inside

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Emily Freitas joins the podcast to discuss this strange and out of place episode. It’s a weird one so buckle up! We dive into a ton of things and I hope you enjoy it!
“Amelia Bevins is a new girl at school. Laura asks her to go home with her the afternoon of her first day at school to work on their essays and they go by the Blind School on the way home. When they get there, Laura and Albert and Andy start making fun of the over-weight man who has started working there. Amelia makes an excuse and runs off. Unbeknownst to them, it’s her father. Before they leave, Adam comes out and introduces Mr. Bevins and Laura realizes her mistake. That evening when Mr. Bevins goes home, he overhears his daughter telling his wife how her father embarrasses her because of his weight. He makes up a job on the railroad that will give him a lot of more money and convinces the people at the blind school that he has no family in town but could save the money he’s been spending on the room if they’ll let him stay in his storage room. They notice that he only works outside on the roof late at night and he works inside all day, but he says it’s cooler that way. When he accidentally falls through the roof and gets hurt, the doctor tells Adam that he could have surgery and get better but that Mr. Bevins has given up the will to live.”
The Man Inside originally aired on October 2, 1978
The opening song “Albert” is written and performed by the amazing Norwegian band, Project Brundlefly and is used with permission.
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